Dr. George W. Davis Senior Building

1751 Carroll Ave. - Dr. George W. Davis Senior Center    
San Francisco, California

Completed in 2016, the Dr. George W. Davis Senior Building offers affordable one- and two-bedroom rental apartments to low-income seniors in the Third Street Corridor of San Francisco's Bayview neighborhood. Adjacent to our project at 5880 Third Street, this building offers sitting, dining and exercise rooms, along with informal lounges on various floors of the five-story apartment, to encourage socializing in common spaces. Raised garden beds in the courtyard are wheelchair-accessible to accommodate anyone interested in gardening.

Awards:   2017 AIACC Residential Design Merit Award

Architects:  David Baker Architects
Associate Architect:  MWA Architects
Developer:  McCormack Baron Salazar
Contractor:  Nibbi Brothers General Contractors
Civil Engineer:  Sandis

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